Book Buddy Pillows

If you have any questions, please reach out to Susan M. at

Comfort Quilts

Pillow Cases 

Go to the link below for some great directions... with very helpful photos.


Pillow cases are currently being donated

to UVA Children's Cancer Center.

Feel free to drop your completed

pillow cases off at The Quiltery or bring them to the next guild meeting.

  Community Outreach, Comfort Quilts and so much more...

In memory of Collette Berry-Rec

These fun quilts are lovingly made by members given to families in need, Habitat for Humanity home recipients, Hospice patients and the neonatal unit at the hospital.

Pattern design by Chris Malone as published in Quilter's World Magazine Summer 2023

Cut 2 pieces of fabric 4 x 6 1/2  inches
Cut 1 rough side piece of vlecro 3-1/4 inches
Cut 1 soft side piece of velcro 3-1/4  inches

Lay one of the 4x8 pieces of fabric right side up with a fold line down the middle of the piece of fabric (to make two 4x4 squares).  Sew the rough sided velcro to the edge of the fabric centered on the fold line with the rough side down.  Sew about an eighth of an inch from the edge of the fabric
Sew the soft sided velcro to the opposite side of the piece of fabric with the soft side up.  Sew about an eighth of an inch from the fabric.  
Once the velcro pieces are attached,  fold them over each other so the 4x8 fabric lays flat, make sure the velcro is not too long. You don't want the ends of the velcro to become sewn into the top 4x8 piece of fabric. 
Once your fabric and velcro are secured,  lay the second 4x8 piece of fabric over the piece with the velcro with the right side of the fabric down. The right sides of the fabric will be together. Pin the two pieces together. 
Leave a designated area as the opening and sew one quarter inch around the pillow, leaving an opening hole for turning. 
I like to start sewing on the long side about an inch away from the corner. Then,  sew around
The short side then the long side right over the velcro, sewing the next short side and finishing the seam about a quarter inch just over the second velcro area. Making sure to back stitch a few times at the start point and stopping point to keep your seam from seperating during the turning process.  
Once your pillow is sewn, carefully begin to turn it inside out through the opening you left. 
Once it is turned and the corners are straightened out use a small amount of fiberfill or polyfill to loosely stuff the pillow.. fill from the back to the opening do not over stuff.
Once stuffed,  press and pin the opening and hand sew the opening closed, or machine sew it closed.  

​Thanks to Gail for providing these directions.

Quilts Donated for

Disaster Assistance

Some of our Service Projects

Port Pillows

​Our project for the year is to make Book Buddy Pillows for those in need. The guild will provide the pillow forms. Members can begin collecting books and fun fabrics to make the pillow bags. The instructions are below.